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Chiropractic Care

We make staying healthy affordable and convenient.

At North Dallas Spine Center, our highest priority is the health and wellbeing of our patients. We strive to make chiropractic care accessible and affordable for everyone, which is why our licensed chiropractors give full examinations and x-rays to ensure that each patient understands the importance of taking care of their spine. Our prices are competitive and our services are convenient, so that everyone can experience the restorative effects of a manual chiropractic adjustment. Once you’ve had a chance to try it, we’re sure you won’t be able to imagine living without us.


At North Dallas Spine Center, our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients. That’s why we go the extra mile to make routine chiropractic care convenient and accessible. Our licensed chiropractors will perform a thorough exam and take X-rays to help our patients understand how maintaining a healthy spine can help them lead a better life. The recommendations may differ depending on the individual, but we strive to make our services affordable and easy to access. After feeling the restorative power of a manual chiropractic adjustment, you’ll soon be wondering how you ever got by without us!


  • 1. Improved performance 2. Decreased pain and inflammation 3. Improved flexibility and mobility 4. Reduced risk of injury 5. Enhanced focus and concentration 1. Improved athletic performance 2. Reduced pain and inflammation 3. Improved flexibility and mobility 4. Reduced risk of injury 5. Improved focus and concentration


  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain / “Text Neck”
  • Headaches &
  • Migraines
  • Leg Pain / Sciatica
  • Knee, Ankle & Foot Pain
  • Shoulder, Arm, Elbow & Wrist Pain
  • Arthritis & Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Syndrome


Elite athletes like Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Tom Brady, and Jordan Spieth rely on the power of chiropractic care to stay at the top of their game. An estimated 90%1 of all world-class athletes use chiropractic services to help reduce the risk of injury and enhance their performance. Tom Brady credits chiropractic care as providing him with a clear physical and mental edge, allowing him to feel “three inches taller” and “one step ahead of the game.”

Chiropractic care helps improve spine health and prevent or reduce the effects of subluxations or joint dysfunctions. Through manual adjustments and other chiropractic techniques, chiropractors can help restore the proper joint motion and nerve flow to the body, reducing pain and discomfort. By improving the function of the spine, chiropractic care can help maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

The spine is composed of 24 distinct vertebrae that enable the body to move, twist, and bend through everyday activities. Additionally, it protects the delicate central nervous system, which commands and coordinates every organ, tissue, and cell of the body. To enhance motion of the spine and extremities, chiropractors may apply a gentle, precise movement, otherwise known as a chiropractic adjustment.


  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain / “Text Neck”
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Leg Pain / Sciatica
  • Knee, Ankle & Foot Pain
  • Shoulder, Arm, Elbow & Wrist Pain
  • Arthritis & Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


  • To ensure good posture while seated, position yourself with a back support (such as a rolled-up towel) at the curve of your spine. Place your hips and knees at a right angle, while keeping your legs uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Additionally, stand with your head up, shoulders back, chest out, hips tucked in, and your weight should be distributed evenly on both feet. If necessary, use a footrest or stool for extra support.

According to the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center’s study, chiropractic was shown to be the most effective therapy for back pain, outperforming prescription medication, deep-tissue massage, yoga, pilates, and over-the-counter medication therapies.; July 2011.


Parents look to chiropractic to help establish a natural, drug-free foundation that can have immediate and long-term bene ts to their child’s health.

Chiropractic could help with these common childhood ailments:

  • Ear infections 
  • Allergies
  • Colic
  • Bedwetting
  • Asthma
  • Reflux 
  • Headaches 
  • Scoliosis
  • Neck, back and joint pain
  • Poor posture 
  • Sports injuries

Chiropractic care is a natural, drug-free approach to health and wellness that focuses on the relationship between the spine and nervous system. By adjusting the spine, chiropractors can help restore proper biomechanical function, reduce nerve interference, decrease tension and inflammation, and reduce muscle spasm. This in turn helps your child’s body to better heal and balance itself as it grows and develops.

Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among pregnant women. It is a natural way to relieve discomfort, improve posture, and promote overall well-being during pregnancy. Chiropractors can adjust the spine, pelvis, and other joints throughout the body to reduce pain, improve joint function and range of motion, and improve nerve function. Spinal adjustments can be beneficial during pregnancy, as they can help to realign the spine and reduce pressure on nerves, resulting in less discomfort and improved mobility. In addition, chiropractic care can reduce labor and delivery time, as well as the intensity of pain. Lastly, the use of massage and other therapies may help ease stress and anxiety throughout pregnancy.

Millions of pregnant women turn to chiropractic for its natural and drug-free way to alleviate pain and promote a healthier and more content pregnancy. The advantages of chiropractic treatments during pregnancy may include a decrease in back pain, increased mobility, reduced chances of a lengthy labor, enhanced posture, and better rest.

Benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy could include:

  • A safe, non-invasive treatment for pain relief.

  • Improved posture during pregnancy.

  • Improved fetal positioning.

  • Enhanced nerve system functioning for better health.

  • Improved circulation and oxygen levels in the body.

  • Reduced labor and delivery time

A Consumer Reports study recently found that chiropractic was more effective in relieving back pain than prescribed medication, deep-tissue massage, yoga, pilates, and over-the-counter medication therapies. 1 Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center. Back-Pain Treatments.; July 2011.

Herniated Disc, Damaged and Inflamed Sciatic Nerve

I went to North Dallas Spine Center to get relief from my herniated disc and a damaged and inflamed sciatic nerve. My visit was not in vain. I am now on maintenance to keep my back in line, and I also go back to munch on all their goodies that are on display. I especially like their ginger chews!

No Pain

After just 3 visits, I am walking without limping or pain. I feel better than I have felt in almost 2 yrs. Needless to say, I am so thrilled to have found North Dallas Spine Center.

Great Equipment

It was great having the resting chairs back. My rest is more complete. Wish I had room in my home for one of these.

Chiropractic FAQ's

In actuality, there are three stages of chiropractic care:

If you’re feeling aches, pains, and/or have a reduced range of motion, our certified chiropractors will try to find the source of the problem and eliminate joint restrictions, which are also known as subluxations. These subluxations can interfere with the communication of nerve signals from the brain to the body and can lead to pain and discomfort.

Your doctor may suggest making multiple appointments for the next two to four weeks in order to help reduce your pain. Additionally, they may also suggest trying home therapies like icing and stretching.

Even though the pain and discomfort may have subsided, it does not mean you should stop receiving care. To ensure the body continues to heal properly, your doctor may recommend visiting one to two times per week and doing strengthening exercises at home. Recovery care works to maintain communication between all parts of the body, helping it heal itself.

Have you heard the saying “no pain, no gain”? With chiropractic care, that isn’t always true. Even if you are not experiencing discomfort, you can benefit from regular treatments. Regular chiropractic treatments can enhance overall health and be used as an early warning sign for issues that may arise before they become serious. Once you are feeling better, your chiropractor may advise that you continue with checkups, as well as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.

It is clear why some of the world’s top athletes, such as Michael Phelps, Tom Brady, and Rory Mcilroy, consistently seek chiropractic treatment: they understand the vital role it plays in their physical performance.

Studies have shown that it:

  • The amazing qualities of this natural supplement can help to reduce inflammation
  • boost your immune system function, enhance pulmonary function,
  • decrease mental and oxidative stress, relieve muscle tension,
  • and even naturally increase your energy level!

This natural supplement has remarkable capabilities that can reduce inflammation, improve immune system performance, enhance pulmonary function, reduce mental and oxidative stress, ease muscle tension, and even naturally increase energy levels!

Chiropractic is the largest, non-invasive, drugless and safest forms of health care available. Statistically, patient risk is substantially lower when receiving chiropractic care as opposed to medical care, where the use of prescription drugs and surgery pose a greater risk. Chiropractic adjustment is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort because minimal force and gentle pressure are used. In fact, most patients feel relief immediately following treatment.

If you experience any soreness after your initial adjustment, it may be similar to the soreness associated with starting a new exercise program. To help alleviate any pain and aid the healing process, try drinking lots of water, using an ice pack, and doing some light stretching.

Yes, the shoes you choose to wear while being physically active can have a major effect on the stability of your spine and joints. While there is no single shoe that is suitable for everyone, it is important to ensure that your chosen shoes provide you with the best possible support.

The choice of how to approach your health depends on your present condition and goals. Some people choose to only seek treatment when they experience pain or other symptoms, while others favor a more preventative approach. Just like regular trips to the dentist are important for good dental hygiene, having routine visits to a Doctor of Chiropractic can help maintain your spinal health and proper function.

Only the health care provider who prescribed your medication is allowed by law to adjust the dosage. Many people who receive regular chiropractic treatment report positive changes in their symptoms, as well as reduced reliance on prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

It is not a good idea to attempt to adjust your own spine. Chiropractors are well-educated in administering precise adjustments, using a particular location, direction, and technique. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to adjust your spine correctly without professional help.

If you experience any soreness after your initial adjustment, it may be comparable to the soreness you get when starting a workout routine. To help with any discomfort and aid your healing process, try drinking plenty of water, using an ice pack, and doing some light stretching.

Regardless of the term used – joint dysfunction, subluxation, or spinal misalignment – when a joint in the spine or extremities is restricted, it may lead to a lack of motion, joint dysfunction, and potentially negative effects on the nervous system and the ability to perform daily activities.

The type of shoes you wear and the foundation you stand on every day will have a significant impact on your spine and joint stability.

In actuality, there are three stages of chiropractic care:

If you are experiencing aches, pains and or decreased range of motion, our licensed chiropractors will work to identify the source of the issue and eliminate joint restrictions, also known as subluxations. Subluxations can get in the way of proper nerve communication from the brain to the body–often resulting in pain and discomfort.

While seeking relief, your doctor may recommend multiple visits per week, for two to four weeks, or until the pain is reduced. Your doctor will likely also recommend home therapies such as icing and/or stretching at home.

Just because pain and discomfort begin to subside doesn’t mean you should stop receiving care. Muscle and other soft tissue damage may still be present even though the symptoms of pain are gone. Recovery care works to support the body’s ability to heal itself by maintaining proper communication throughout the entire body. During recovery, your doctor may recommend visiting one to two times per week as well as performing strengthening exercises at home.

You’ve heard the phrase “no pain, no gain,” right? Well, chiropractic is a little different. Even when you are not experiencing pain or discomfort, you can gain from routine care. While routine chiropractic can help improve health and well-being; it can also serve as an early detection system for new problems. Once you’ve found relief and have fully recovered, your doctor will typically recommend maintenance visits along with a balanced diet and exercise regimen.

The answer to this question depends on your presenting condition and overall goals. Some patients may choose only to seek relief when pain or symptoms occur whereas others desire a more proactive/preventative approach to their health. Just as regular visits to the dentist are necessary for good dental hygiene, routine visits to a Doctor of Chiropractic for proper spinal function and health maintenance are also important.
Only the health care provider that placed you on the medication can legally and safely alter the dosage. Many patients under regular chiropractic care have reported a positive change in their symptoms and resulting medications under the professional advisement of the prescribing physician.

No patient is too young or old to receive chiropractic care. There are numerous techniques options available to adjust your spine, some of which do not require any manual force whatsoever. Regardless of your age, a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic is trained to recognize when certain techniques are more applicable to a patient based on age, physical condition, exam findings and the patient’s history

In actuality, there are three stages of chiropractic care:

If your child is experiencing aches, pains and or decreased range of motion, our licensed chiropractors will work to identify the source of the issue and eliminate joint restrictions, also known as subluxations. Subluxations can get in the way of proper nerve communication from the brain to the body–often resulting in pain and discomfort.

While seeking relief, the doctor may recommend multiple visits per week, for two to four weeks, or until the pain is reduced. The doctor will likely also recommend home therapies such as icing and/or stretching at home.

Just because pain and discomfort begin to subside doesn’t mean your child should stop receiving care. Muscle and other soft tissue damage may still be present even though the symptoms of pain are gone. Recovery care works to support the body’s ability to heal itself by maintaining proper communication throughout the entire body. During recovery, the doctor may recommend visiting one to two times per week as well as performing strengthening exercises at home.

You’ve heard the phrase “no pain, no gain,” right? Well, chiropractic is a little different. Even when your child is not experiencing pain or discomfort, they can gain from routine care. While routine chiropractic can help improve health and well-being; it can also serve as an early detection system for new problems. Once your child has found relief and have fully recovered, the doctor will typically recommend maintenance visits along with a balanced diet and exercise regimen.

Chiropractic adjustment is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort because minimal force and gentle pressure are used. In fact, most patients feel relief immediately following treatment.
Any reported soreness after an initial adjustment has been described as similar to that associated with starting a new exercise program. Drinking plenty of water, using an ice pack, and engaging in light stretching after their first visit can help ease any discomfort and promote healing.
The frequency in which your child receive chiropractic care is strictly up to the professional opinion of a Doctor of Chiropractic and will vary from individual to individual.
The popping sounds they will hear are their joints releasing tiny pockets of gases. A chiropractic adjustment does not affect the bones of either side of the joint, but rather the connective tissue that holds the joint together.
Most pregnant women are referred for lower back or pelvic pain associated with pregnancy. This includes localized lower back pain, sciatica (radiating leg pain), groin pain, and leg or thigh pain. Some patients present with middle back pain, rib pain, neck pain or headaches. Chiropractors can also help determine if the fetus is not in the optimal position for birth, such as breech, transverse, or posterior.

Yes! Gentle chiropractic treatment including joint mobilization, soft tissue treatment, and therapeutic exercise is safe and effective during pregnancy. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to address the challenges of the pregnant body including loosening ligaments and increased weight.

A treatment plan will be individually tailored for your specific condition and depends on your week of pregnancy. Treatment recommendations range from 2-3 times per week to once a month.
In addition to drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet, home care recommendations usually include ice, physioball exercises, and gentle stretching. A maternity belt support may be recommended as well. Exercises are tailored specifically for each patient.

A research study showed that patients under chiropractic care during pregnancy had decreased labor times by 24-39%!

Prior to returning to routine personal care, at least one postpartum evaluation is recommended before the ligaments around the pelvis tighten. Usually this occurs about the same time as your postpartum visit to your birth provider at 2-4 weeks.

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