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Introducing the Simply Health Wellness and Weight Loss Program

Are you looking for help with weight loss in St. Louis MO? Would you like to Lose 20 or MORE pounds? I’m guessing you’re intrigued… but probably a bit skeptical too. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. The Simply Health Wellness and Weight Loss Program is an amazing, revolutionary weight-loss program that can completely change your life and health!

What are the benefits of weight loss?

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The integrated health team at Simply Health make weight loss an important part of their practice because of its many health benefits. Losing weight not only makes shopping for clothes fun, but also:
Simply Health has helped thousands of people take control of their health by providing them with the right tools, and can help you, too.

Will I be eating shakes or prepackaged food?

No, our program uses real food and real nutrients. We provide a shopping list, and you pick what you want to eat. All the food you can find at most grocery stores. Long term weight loss is almost impossible to maintain when you have to eat bars and shakes for the rest of your life.

We want to help you figure out the food that works well for your body. Everyone is different. Just because the food is generally thought of as healthy, it might not be healthy for you! Some people have sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, gut issues, etc. that are unique to them and also interfere with their metabolism. We want to help you find foods work well for you, and help you create a lifestyle that you enjoy focused on foods that keep your metabolism working!

It’s estimated that more than 90% of people who lose weight following a diet plan gain it back. Diets fail because they don’t take into account your personal biology and metabolism. No one diet works for all. Simply Health creates an eating plan that not only helps you shed the weight, but improves your metabolic rate, which is the rate at which your body burns calories, while at the same time controlling hunger. If you’re ready to stop losing and regaining the weight over and over again, call Simply Health for a weight-loss plan that works to keep the weight off for good.

Do I have to exercise?

The team at Simply Health creates a weight-loss plan based on your unique biological and metabolic needs, which may include exercise. When you follow the weight-loss plan at Simply Health you have access to professionals who understand the mechanics of the body, as well as individual physical and fitness limitations.

If exercise is part of your plan, like your diet you can expect a customized plan that fits your fitness level and weight-loss goals. You may start in small increments and work up as your fitness, strength, and endurance improves.

Simply Health wants you to control your health and wellness, and provides the tools you need to succeed. To learn more about the center’s weight-loss program, call the office or schedule an appointment using the online booking button.

How does the Simply Health Wellness and Weight Loss Program work?

The Program begins with an evaluation of your body and the reasons your body reacts the way that it does.

Using our metabolic assessment, we construct a customized plan for you.

We provide a detailed food plan that includes a library of recipes so that you continue to eat a wide variety of delicious REAL food that is easy-to-prepare. You have endless options!

We also offer you a line of all-natural supplements designed to support your body and address nutritional deficiencies.

Recording your progress has never been easier. Track your progress, share with your coach, and delight in your success!

Our Client Support is second to none! Dr. Deloney and coaches who care about your health and well-being partner with you on your journey.

Want more details? Register for a pre-recorded webinar. Listen to Dr. Deloney explain how the program works, and see for yourself if it sounds like the right approach for you!


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Jodi on Simply Health and Weight Loss

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Rachel Found Relief For Neck And Back Pain At Simply Health

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Kim loved her experience with Simply Health

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Daphne Great Day

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AndreaR lost over 130lbs with Simply Health Wellness and Weight Loss!

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AshleyW lost almost 80lbs and regained her life!

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Jack was dealing with back pain for years... No Longer!

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Andra Was Able To Come Off Several Medications and Lose A LOT of Weight

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Mildred Testimonial

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